New Gospel from God

2 years ago

The Goal of the Wise by the Riser from the Family of Mohammed Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem

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"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will rule over all." – Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Thomas

"I spoke the truth and the truth left me without friends." – Abu Dharr, Bihar Al-Anwar

"The Goal of the Wise serves as a Divine invitation into the Seventh, final and complete covenant with humanity. The seventh covenant is not based on geography, local languages, and customs like the previous six covenants. It is a universal covenant with the souls." – Dr. Aria Razfar, PhD

"The Goal of the Wise ingeniously navigates the reader through the human experience, answering all those questions that sentient beings have grappled with since time immemorial. A masterpiece that will change the way you see yourself and the world forever." – Dr. Irfan Alamgir
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