Overcoming The Flesh by Dr Michael H Yeager

2 years ago

How to Overcome the Flesh
The Bible makes it crystal clear how we overcome the flesh. It isn’t with ten steps. It isn’t by trying really hard. It isn’t even by getting super spiritual–but rather by walking in the Spirit.

Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. –Gal. 5:17

By the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the flesh. –Rom. 8:13

Basically the entire New Testament is full of this truth. Different writers refer to it in different terms: walking in the Spirit, putting on Christ, walking in the new man, walking in the light, etc. And without fail, these concepts are contrasted with their counterpart: walking in the flesh, being carnally minded, walking in the old man, walking in darkness. Without fail, these passages shout from the rooftops: this is how we stop sinning!

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