BCF 362: Building Bulletproof Confidence with Nada Lena

2 years ago

A large part of success as a capital raiser and real estate entrepreneur is building up your confidence and resolve. Nada Lena is very familiar with this, as she is both a college professor and a former top executive for an education corporation. Nada has an intimate understanding of how education, empowerment, and leadership fuse together for massive transformation. She is a two-time TED speaker, a number-one best-selling author, and a leadership career and confidence coach. Nada has also spoken on numerous platforms alongside greats like Tony Robbins, Les Brown, and Marie Forleo. Nada is the founder of Rise Up For You and has coached and mentored over 50,000 individuals around the world on self-empowerment and building confidence for success.

Nada shares her journey and how she got started. Her first career was touring internationally as a singer and dancer. As a performer, she realized very quickly that your technique and knowledge just wasn’t enough. Nada started fostering an entrepreneurial mindset at a young age because she knew she had to stand out from the competition. Nada and I talk about creating bulletproof confidence and the importance of emotional intelligence. We also discuss how your beliefs, backstory, and behavior get in your way of succeeding and how to overcome your limits to accomplish your goals.

What’s Inside:
—Nada’s journey from international performer to self-empowerment coach
—How to build confidence and the importance of emotional intelligence
—How to overcome your limiting beliefs and thoughts

Mentioned In This Episode:
—bulletproofcashflow.com: https://bulletproofcashflow.com/
—RDYNE.com: http://www.rdyne.com
—Rise Up For You: https://www.riseupforyou.com/

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