Should Western Muslims Migrate to Muslim countries?! | Untranslated Islam #5

1 year ago

Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef
Episode 5: Keeping Righteous Companions/Make Hijrah (Migrate) to Save Your Soul

In this episode, Brother Ben highlights benefits of having solid companions- to seek advise and counsel from. He also segues into virtues of migrating to different lands or environments, with intention of accessing ones better self.

Also covered, the value of being sincere, and having a good reputation in this regard.

For more detail, see the timestamps below:

0:00 INTRO
1:20 The Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr's strong bond
2:15 Benefits of having those you can seek advise/counsel from
6:15 Abu Bakr or Abu Hurayrah?
7:30 Abu Bakr or Umar?
9:45 - RUN, if you save your soul and your family!
10:45 - Must be real with YOURSELF! If you can't be at your BEST, then trust in Allah, and RUN!
13:25 - Quranic verse WARNING those who didn't run, when they needed to
14:45 - The man who killed 99 men
16:15 - Those who Allah gives an excuse
16:45 - Allah's Promise to those who migrates for His sake
18:10 - A strong women who migrated who left to save her 5 year old son
19:45 - People who make sincere intention for migration, not to just study or visit
21:00 - Shaykh Albani's advise that convinced me to migrate
24:05 - Saving your soul is more important than preserving anything you've gathered
26:30 - The example of the companions migrating to save their souls
27:10 - Importance of Having a righteous reputation amongst all the society
28:00 - Hadith: "You are the witnesses of Allah on the Earth
29:15 - Hadith: "Do you know who the 'bankrupt' one is..." on the Day of Judgement
31:05 - Verse: "Our Lord, don't make us a tribulation to the wrong doers?"
32:00 - As a little kid, remembering witnessing people's respect of my parents
35:00 - Ibn Ad- Dagina, though not Muslim, pledged protection for Abu Bakr, due to his outstanding character- What about us?!
38:00 - You never know when that good reputation will be your salvation
41:00 - Be sincerely upstanding. The community is watching.


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