Citra | Kid Icarus: Uprising | 5800X | RX 6600 | 10x 4000x2400 | 2023

2 years ago

Citra Nightly 1832. 10x upscaling using a Ryzen 7 5800X and RX 6600 8GB. Enjoy!

To achieve the touch controls needed, I would recommend using a DualShock4 controller's touchpad with DS4Windows. I will link an easy and informed guide to setting this up below.

DS4Windows Setup for Kid Icarus: Uprising:

NOTE: Most of the stuttering(boss fight) was from shader compilation. However, DS4Windows has been know to cause similar stutter in other cases. So expect, even with a fully compiled shader cache, to experience this to some degree. If persistent, lower the resolution scale.

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