Titus: Living Holy in an Unholy Culture-Sound Doctrine in Action

2 years ago

Streaming License # 20447369
CCLI License # 789708
Date: January 29, 2023

Sermon Series: Titus: Living Holy in an Unholy Culture
Message: Sound Doctrine in Action
Verses: Titus 3

“Walkin’ on the Heaven Road” words and music by Norman L. Starks
1968, 1992 Starks, Norman L.
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“The Old Rugged Cross” words and music by George Bennard
Words: Public Domain; Music: Public Domain
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“Just a Little Talk with Jesus” words and music by Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm
1937. Renewed 1965 The Derricks Legacy (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.)
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“I’ll Fly Away” words and music by Albert E. Brumley
Words: 1932 Hartford Music Company. Renewed 1960 Albert E. Brumley And Sons (Admin. by ClearBox Rights, LLC), Music: 1932 Hartford Music Company. Renewed 1960 Albert E. Brumley And Sons (Admin. by ClearBox Rights, LLC)
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“He Lives” words and music by Alfred Henry Ackley
Words: 1933 Homer A. Rodeheaver. Renewed 1961 Curb Word Music (Admin. by WC Music Corp.), Music: 1933 Homer A. Rodeheaver. Renewed 1961 Curb Word Music (Admin. by WC Music Corp.)
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“In the Garden” words and music by Charles Austin Miles
Words: Public Domain; Music: Public Domain
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“As the Deer” words and music by Martin Nystrom
1984 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.)Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“Let Jesus Come into Your Heart” words and music by Leila Naylor Morris
Words: Public Domain; Music: Public Domain
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

“To God Be the Glory” words and music by Fanny Jane Crosby, William Howard Doane
Words: Public Domain; Music: Public Domain
Used by Permission CCLI License # 789708

Streaming License # 20447369

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