Party In The USA - Miley Cyrus - Bass Cover | 2021 G&L L-2500 bass

2 years ago

Although the new Miley Cyrus song, "Flowers", is many years away from being a retro hit, our band's drummer made the suggestion that "Party In The USA" could fit the brand of "Retroflection". He's right. That song is one the younger crowd at our events would enjoy since many of them grew up listening to it. To them, this song is "Retro". Shocking that the kids who grew up with Hannah Montana are now old enough to get into bars!

Like Cyrus's current single, this song has a simple chord structure that is the same for both verse and chorus (F# - A# - D#).

I recorded this using a 5-string 2021 G&L L-2500 bass guitar into a Fender Rumble Stage 800 amp. I recorded the audio from the amp's DI direct to GarageBand and synced the video from a iPhone 12 Pro Max forward facing camera.

My gear:
My scheduled performances:

"Flowers" bass cover:

#mileycyrus #basscover #partyintheusa #mileycyruspartyintheusa #hannahmontana

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