Free Access to Utility Infrasture and Computer Networking

2 years ago


Part 2
This is part 2 of 2. Well at least free unlimited internet for the secret society and their gangs of droned cloned gang stalkers & other agents. 
Sorry this is not an offer for internet service e unless you hack into the gangstalkers of america's hidden Wi-Fi Bluetooth or virtual systems or data centers. Please contact for more info.
*throttle users uploads and downloads via virtual systems using high speed data and connections on private hidden network reaching coast to coast
*duplicate social media sites on AWS and data centers to run parallel to the real site criss crossing information so users don't notice.
*allows access to devices so you can change start up properties and have victims devices act like they are running like they should.
*ability to create clones and duplicate phone numbers or entire systems. 
*ability to hijack all email systems personal, business, government,military etc. .mil .gov 
World-wide security breach of all things carrying an electrical charge.
*Human Drone Program
*Serval Mesh Network- being hijacked & loop backed
*stimulated/simulated virtual reality/reality
Whistleblowing podcast - not  responsible for inaccurate information,merely providing a service of passing along information obtained (raped into me) by gangstalkers or other secret society members whether they are willing or unwilling brainwashed or enslaved.

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