Daily Chess play - 1386 - Played well but had a big blunder on first game

2 years ago

First game, Relatively even game but I didn't see the trade of Queens he Black wanted on g4. I am blind... I resigned.

Second game, White ignores my pawn on e4 and lets me have an extra Knight for a pawn. I was under attack for awhile but that let me develop my pieces. I started attacking his Queen instead then he hid behind his structure I started moving my pawns up. We traded Queens as I didn't want to be pinned on e4. He lets me eat his Rook or didn't see it on d1 trading my Bishop. I take over the f file and then started moving my pawn for a promotion. White didn't seem to realize that I will reach first as he tried to pomote a pawn himself. I go another Rook up and taking off pieces off the board. White resigned.

Third game, Fast game. Pushed my Knight up and we trade but for some reason uses his Queen to take so I take the Queen on d2. White resigned.

Fast games today. That blunder from first game really didn't help haha... I seem to make the most mistakes on the first games. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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