Healing Web part 1

2 years ago

Take a moment to review and understand how the sheer evil is all tied together with our own [usg] right in the middle of it all.

We have been infiltrated since 1871... ramped up remarkably in the early 1900's, and primarily with John D Rockefeller and the introduction of a new type of medical community.

We've talked about all this before, but I'd suggest you search above for Rockefeller to see multiple videos and exposes on how our medical system was created & corrupted beyond belief.

We know the "system" was created to make us sick, and then medicate us which in reality makes us sicker.

Think about the ads on TV for all these new meds that pop up everyday that have literally dozens of dangerous side effects.

Remember too, that today's medicine is a white lab coat [authority] walks into your room, you tell them your symptoms, they push a few buttons on a tablet and a prescription pops out. That's not medicine.

Only medical processes are the Business Practices, and Pulse they take. The rest is FRAUD.


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