God You Are Good

2 years ago

Let your glory Fall Phillips Craig and Dean Probably My Favorite CHristian Artists all time. No need to change words and no I can do anything close to them.
But Felt good trying, Basically every mistake made in the history of the world or any true positive result in the history of the world has its root in this. Jews gentiles all same result. No matter who. You either believe As Prophet Robin D Bullock Said God said, God Is absolutely Good or you do not. In ancient days you believed it and it was counted for righteousness. After the Messiah showed up for the first time, and dismissed his spirit as the blameless Lamb, died and about 3 days later rose again. All we have to choose to do is accept it and look to Jesus as our Messiah .
Here are most of the words. to Phillips Craige and Deans God inspired song.
You are good, You are good And your love endures today
Lord, let Your glory fall As on that ancient day
Songs of enduring love And then Your glory came
And as a sign to You That we would love the same
Our hearts will sing that song God, let your glory come
you are good you are good and your love endures Today
Voices in unison Giving You thanks and praise
Joined by the instruments And then Your glory came
Your presence like a cloud Upon that ancient day
The priests were overwhelmed Because Your glory came
Chorus Chorus
you are so good you are so good you are so good
You are good, You are good And your love endures
You are good, You are good And your love endures today
Oh, Your anger lasts a moment But Your favor lasts a lifetime
Your anger lasts a moment But Your favor lasts a lifetime
A sacrifice was made And then Your fire came
They knelt upon the ground And with one voice they praised
They sang come Lord Lord let your glory fall
Come Lord Let your glory fall come Lord Jesus
Chorus today everyday Chorus
You are good, You are good And your love endures today

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