Kim Harvey and Dallas Hills whats the Next Step to Stop the UN Agenda , UNDRIP

2 years ago

Their is Zoom daily from 5 - 10 EST to coordinate and important meetings.

Tues and Thursday 8 Central there is a meeting 
Please share these link with your contacts so everyone has an opportunity to learn about HOW we End the globalist agendas.
Kim Harvey

Hello Fellow Sovereigns!! I implore you all to IMMEDIATELY familiarize yourself with your local Land Use Bylaw. Also, pay attention to whether it has been updated recently or is in the process of being updated. Keep reading to find out why! 

PROPERTY RIGHTS ALERT. - The Corrupt parasites are never ending interfering with sovereigns rights, WHO are these parasites

This affects Albertans in particular. In accordance with WEF/UN Agendas the plan is you will “own nothing”. A sharp resident of Thorhill County AB alerted to a new and draconian Land Use Bylaw being quietly passed through County Council. This 260 page document was prepared by “Green Space Alliance”, consultants to cities like Mumbai pop. 21Million. A Thorhill resident describes GSA as “proudly specializing in rural to urban migration”. The bylaw initially appears quite innocuous. The resident has studied it and alerted the community. This is a “model” bylaw GSA has written for other jurisdictions. Frankly, if you own rural property anywhere in Canada be on the alert for new Land Use bylaws. Fines for non-compliance are $125 a day and may be retroactive. 

The Thorhill residents website is the next post. Look for “The overview” and under “More” look for “How does this impact”. If you read the By-law, which is posted, don’t be deceived by the innocent sounding language.

If you reside in Thorhild County. Thorhild county, North East of Edmonton, is a small municipality that is more than 99% rural by land use. There isn’t even one town in our county, but there are 7 hamlets ranging in population from 24 people to 391 people. In fact, in our entire county of 1997.17 km2, the total population is only 3042 people.

Currently, we are fighting a proposed Land Use Bylaw (LUB) complete rewrite. A company called Green Space Alliance Urban Planning Firm (GSA) was contracted at a price of $100k to do the rewrite.

They have an office in Edmonton but are based out of India and their specialty is large urban centres (Mumbai as an example!). The rewrite they did for our county is deplorable, excessively punitive, and very clearly not designed for rural communities, but rather more strongly patterning large urban center templates.

I will say the county did the (bare minimum) of their due diligence to make people aware of this incoming change through advertising on their FB, Twitter, website, and local newsprint. However, a quick glance at their social media shows that their engagement is embarrassingly low. They should have realized at some point that the information was not being received. In fact, when the GSA sent surveys out, only 61 people participated.

Does that sound like adequate participation numbers to confidently say you have satisfactorily engaged the public in the process? I would say not.

At any rate, not to pat myself on the back, but had it not been for me one morning sitting down with a coffee to read this bylaw (about 1 week prior to the Public Hearing) and rapidly hopping on social media to sound the alarm, I am quite certain this bylaw would have been passed, without contest, on Jan 10. I began an aggressive social media campaign to ensure as many of my community members were aware of the dangers if this bylaw were to pass, and the movement took on a life of its own! Prior to that, literally NO ONE was talking about it.

We had 47 people show up to the Public Hearing, 10 people gave impassioned presentations about all the ways this bylaw would affect them, and the whole community, negatively. The council had no choice but to put forth a motion to take more time to go though the information provided in the presentations. They have not given us a timeline as to when they will revisit this. We (a group of us concerned citizens) booked a community hall and had a staggering 193 people attend where they were presented with what we know so far about what our legal options are for interceding in this LUB process. It was pretty incredible.
I believe there is a province-wide campaign for Alberta municipalities (perhaps even nationally!?) to update their land use bylaws right now.

This is no mistake. This is clearly NWO driven in my opinion. I hope to somehow bring awareness to what’s going on here but NO MEDIA outlets will provide us any kind of coverage or support whatsoever. I would love if we are able to bring some attention to this provincially, maybe even nationally (that’s too much to hope for!) and IF we are successful in staving off this assault on our liberties, to make it VIRAL and help other municipalities stop the local abuses of power that are working to prevent us from living freely, providing our own food security etc. You know!! ALL the things they want to use to control us!!
Some of this impacts us is:

Like I mentioned, we are a predominantly rural community. Less than 1% of our total land use is “urban”. By population, we are approximately 72% rural/agricultural (so approximately only 28% of the County’s population lives in the hamlet mentioned). Despite this, the proposed LUB includes the following regulations (just as a few examples of the atrocities contained therein)

ALL zones will require a permit for barbed wire fencing (in a farming community!)

ALL zones are subject to a sister bylaw titled the “Urban Hen Bylaw” which, in it’s current state (though not yet passed) limits you to have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 laying hens. In order to secure a permit to possess these hens you must be a landowner, take an approved Hen Care course, apply for a PID#, apply for a permit, secure a written letter of consent of every neighbor who has property adjoining yours (in a county where farmers have hundreds of farmed acres!) , provide the Land Title certificate to your home secured no more than 14 days prior to your application (which is impossible given how backed up they are....I’ve been waiting 11 months!), strict regulations on the size, design, placement of your “hen enclosure”, have the enclosure inspected and pass inspection prior to use, and agree to the county requirement that an inspector (peace officer) can enter your premises at any time without warrant to inspect, as a condition of your license.

Again, this is written in a Land Use Bylaw in a county that is 99% rural/agricultural by land!

In addition to that nonsense there is now a limit on the number of “accessory” buildings. Max 4. If you know anything about farming, this is beyond ridiculous.
Also for any buildings that have not been used in 6 months, you will be required to apply for a new permit for. So grain crop not good and you only use half your grain storage, those unused grain storage buildings become instantly illegal and a new permit must be applied for.
Country Residential areas are limited to 10 shrubs that must be a 50/50 mix of coniferous/deciduous shrubs, as well as have only 2 coniferous TREES and 2 deciduous TREES.

Certainly if you live in the city, this may not seem offside. But if you live in the country where your nearest neighbor is literally miles away, you can see how ridiculous this is!
There are more than 100 instances where it states that permits will be issued “at the discretion of” “based on the opinion of” etc.. Extremely subjective.
I could go on and on.....

THE MOST INSIDIOUS PART is that it’s 100% RETROACTIVE!!!! So even if you are in compliance with with existing LUB, once the new one comes into effect, the new one applies!!!! And you will be subject to daily fines for non-compliance!!!

We have been in contact with Municipal Affairs who have provided us with some limited guidance. They have no authority or jurisdiction to intercede however.

I fully believe our situation up here in Thorhild County is in no way isolated, and I would STRONGLY suggest that each and every one of you become intimately familiar with your own LUB.

For anything you find issue with, IMMEDIATELY send an email to the councillor for your division, and cc the CAO at minimum. It would not be offside to cc every councillor and anyone else on your administration payroll.

If you have any questions (or suggestions) of how we are proceeding to protect our community, or on steps you can take in your own community, please feel free to fire us off an email at and

Wayne Snellgrove & Dallas Hills Discuss Solution - and the Dangers of UNDRIP video !


So is any Group you belong to talking solutions or plans to end this Insanity - Please comment your groups with ideas. We Need Solutions on the Table NOT all the distractions of issues, WE NEED SOLUTIONS and if they are NOT TALKING SOLUTIONS - GOOD CHANCE THEY ARE DELEBERTLY DISTRACTING YOU AND OTHERS!


With that realization, looking back at events like 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing and even World War I or II suddenly brings new clarity: We realize the history of the world is actually a history of globalist terrorism against the people of the world. Nearly every crisis we’ve all lived through was engineered on purpose and unleashed to achieve a globalist goal of profit, power or depopulation.

There are almost no acts of actual terrorism committed by individuals or groups that weren’t directly run by governments or funded by globalist operators.

Once we fully understand the past and the present, we can then see the future with much greater clarity. We know, for example, that:

Any time Sovereigns are on the verge of a mass awakening or “freedom” wave, globalists unleash another horrific terrorism campaign to keep people enslaved in fear.

A key weapon of the globalists is to force the people into isolation so they cannot talk to each other. Covid lockdowns were part of this, but the far more effective strategy is to shut down the power grid so that people can’t even communicate electronically.

Globalists telegraph their moves ahead of time because they need to set up the appropriate narratives in advance of their next wave of attacks. For example, while they plan to take down the power grid themselves, they are putting out warnings that claim “extremist” groups want to target the power grid.

The real “extremist” group is the governments, of course, and there’s nothing more extreme than a fraudulent regime that maintains power by democracy , fake elections and staging a hoax “insurrection”

Knowing this with absolute certainty — and having a firsthand experience now of how globalist governments are actively targeting humanity for total extermination — we can accurately anticipate their next escalation attack.

The next play will be the FINAL play against humanity… there won’t even be any attempt to hide their real motivations

It now appears they are ready to play the “end game” card against humanity and go for a total civilization takedown. This means disrupting or destroying the food supply chain, the power grid, telecommunications, monetary systems and the rule of law. The goal is absolute chaos resulting in mass death on a global scale, and the more chaos they can unleash in this manner

All this confirms what we’ve suspected for quite some time now. The next attack vector will be one or more of the following:

A staged cyber attack on the financial infrastructure to take down the transactional infrastructure and plunge cities into chaos. This will be the opening round of the “great reset” script.

A deliberate takedown of the power grid to achieve a similar outcome.

A subsequent telecom “kill switch,” if needed, to ensure the complete collapse of internet functionality so that people can no longer connect online.

A deliberate release of a highly aggressive pathogen with a very high kill rate (Marburg / Ebola, etc.) or a toxic nanoparticle that simulates a pathogen. The panic from this will be used to drive additional “vaccine” campaigns which are of course simply death shot injections.

Domestic terrorism false flag operations that involve nuclear or radiological terrorism. (Could also be the mass aerosolized spraying of populations using drones or chemtrail sprayers.)

Provoking war with Russia or China and destroying the remaining US military in the process, making America deliberately vulnerable to foreign invasion.

The invocation of medical martial law, mass gun confiscation, domestic checkpoints, covid death camps and similar operations.

The timeline for this is obviously approaching very quickly because globalists are being forced to act. Here’s why:

The awakening is accelerating. The covid narratives are collapsing. Humanity is beginning to rise up against tyranny, and the censorship efforts have failed to stop it.

Vaccine deaths are already accelerating and can’t be hidden for much longer. The body bags are stacking up in the morgues and can’t be ignored forever.

Thus, the almost certain window of opportunity for globalists to unleash their next wave of attacks on humanity is looking like Feb 2023

UNDRIP - Reorganizing Humanity?: The Tyrannical Designs of the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

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