Reflections: The Holy Spirit in Habit Change

2 years ago


The Holy Spirit in Habit Change, excerpts from Heart and Habits, by Greg E. Gifford

The importance of the Holy Spirit's role in habit change cannot be overstated. Any good book on habits must wrestle with the proper emphasis regarding human effort and the work of the Holy Spirit propelling that effort. He seals the Christian (Ephesians 4:30), indwells the Christian (1 Corinthians 3:16), guides the Christian (Ephesians 4:30), and comforts the Christian (John 14:16), - along with many other important contributions. All those works of the Spirit, in one way or another, relate to our habit development. The Holy Spirit is helping believers to live lives of holiness, and we can't do that without godly habits. Not all habits have a direct impact on our holiness, sin, or sanctification, of course, like the habit of driving your car. But any spiritual fruit in the Christian's life is a direct result of the work of the Spirit in producing that fruit. (Galations 5:22–23). Furthermore, without the work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life, there can only be a change in "moral habits," as John Owen would call the external works of the law-keeping that even unbelievers can practice. But without the Spirit, there can never be a true, God-pleasing change of habits in the heart.

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