2023_01_29_AM_Grace and Faith: That's the Ticket

2 years ago

Preaching Galatians 3 and verses from Hebrews 11 and Isiah 53: Pastor Mike reminds us that God's Grace and our Faith in his plan of Salvation through the Blood of Jesus and spiritual Re-birth of the Holy Spirit- not any 'works' on our part - are the way to please God, and our 'ticket' to Heaven.

The 'law' in Exodus, Leviticus, and elsewhere in the Old Testament are necessary and helpful guidelines, boundaries, and limits: but are not sufficient to comply with the Father's Will - and set a standard that we cannot meet on our own.

We need to listen to and follow what Jesus actually said to Nicodemus and in his 'Sermon on the Mount'; not just what we want to hear. We are to humbly 'BELIEVE, TRUST, and OBEY' - and God's LOVE and MERCY will do the rest.

(h/t Jon Lovitz for the latter part of our title)

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