January 29, 2023

1 year ago

Jan 28. Exiting building, 1229 pm, baby stroller spy with dog, white SUV at that instant, construction site’s door open, at Avenue C another spy vehicle blocking the bikers’ lane, but nothing in comparison with many other occasions where almost every piece of this lane is occupied by vehicles to generate an accident. Spy vehicle’s radio and spy pedestrian pulling a cart, also trying to stage an accident.
Dog people and joggers. Another “peculiarity” at this street, is the large number of individuals walking their dogs, some pit bulls, these are gone for now, at all hours, many times keeping them barking next to my apartment or at an audible distance, and the number of joggers from early morning to late at night, the number of joggers have also decreased significantly. I see it as another way the spies have to patrol the street in a casual manner, observing or intimidating anyone they want to.

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