By Ibrox Park by Alistair Hulett (Cover)

2 years ago

I drove back from Sydney this morning after singing at the Alistair Hulett Memorial Concert at the Gaelic Club in Sydney last night.

Photo of Alistair at the end was sent by Andy Carr (not sure if it is his photo).

This song was sung by Bob Fagan at the concert, with some lyric prompting by Chris Maltby.

Alistair singing this song here:

Scots words you might not know:
Troke: A cheat/swindler, mudcat has 'ill throckett dog', but 'throckett' doesn't seem to be a Scots
word, so maybe this is 'ill bargained dog'?
Thole: Suffer
Skeined: Skinned/Covered
Callant: A young man

Details of who is in the concert photos at my Facebook post here:

Here is the story of Alexander Ross, shot in Girvan in 1831:

And some history of the Orange Order in Scotland:

Excellent Mudcat work deciphering the lyrics here:

Purchase my music:

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