Tower of Hercules (A Coruña - Spain) – UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2 years ago

The Tower of Hércules is one of the oldest active lighthouses in the world, dating from the 2nd century AD, from the time of Trajan and was renovated in 1788 by order of King Charles IV.
It measures 68 meters high and the light it gives off can be seen at sea for a distance of 32 miles. To reach the top of the lighthouse you have to climb a total of 242 steps to reach the top of the lighthouse. It has a panoramic view of the city and coastline of A Coruña. According to mythology, Hercules cut off Geryon's head and erected the monument after burying his remains under the lighthouse.
Address: Avenida de Navarra, S/Nº
15002 Coruña – Galicia - Spain


Wander - Emmit Fenn

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