286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 158 - Wanna make $500?

1 year ago

286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 158 - Wanna make $500?
Image - Eric states

Vid When people nobody voted for

Have you ever heard anything more crazy than this? Why is this video not about sponsoring a vet, homeless person, a child in foster care?
Vid sponsor a criminal
Vid How much more bullshit
Vid Atf rules
Constitutional training - Firearms bills

Image 500 bucks

This “democracy” lie has been pumped for so many decades, even patriots misuse it to describe our Republic.
The difference is HUGE.
democracy = majority chooses their RULER.
Republic = we choose our public servants to ensure our Constitutional rights aren’t being trampled.

Constitutional Training. Can a public place prohibit you from entering if you are not wearing a mask?

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