Make America Great Again - MAGA - President Donald J Trump

1 year ago

Seems some people want to blame President Trump for the Covid Hoax - Vaccine agenda.
Take a common sense approach & look at the bigger picture. This was a world wide attack.

Who is it that has been attacking President Trump on an enormous scale across all available platforms and in all possible destructive methods ? Every country in the world was somehow coerced into pushing useless masks and the deadly needle.

Who was it in America that counted daily deaths, then bribed,blackmailed, persuaded by showing lies on TV 365 24/7 images of the jab?
Who showed false Images of filled overwhelmed hospitals ? Who is it that promotes wars, & fear ?

Who is it that stole the elections ? Who was responsible for 911 ? Who started wars on purpose that killed our children ?

Take a look at the bigger picture. Our career political leaders are bribed and blackmailed. It is our unelected deepstate government -
that stays in power even after we elect a NON Lifelong career politician. Who do you think put the stooge biden in office ?

The democrats seem worse than the rhinos. President trump says "the rhinos are worse". Compare the daily shit show as opposed
to when Trump was in office. "Too much BS to list".

We will remove our cancers of society. We will remove the cancerous one-world-order.

Our corrupt system of organized crime has made an enemy of President Trump.
He keeps his promises. Trump has a track record that will enable America to truly

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