Watch the incredible dance of the Yellow-Haired Carpenter Ant

2 years ago

In this mesmerizing video, you will witness the impressive dance moves of the Yellow-Haired Carpenter Ant, also known as Camponotus fulvopilosus. These fascinating insects use their unique dance to communicate with their colony and to attract a mate. Get ready to be amazed by the coordination and precision of these tiny creatures!
Camponotus fulvopilosus (Golden) aka Ballbyters , is a species of ant that is native to Namibia. These ants are known for their yellowish-brown hair on their head and thorax. They are a large species of ant, with workers measuring around 13mm in length.They areto constitute an important source of food for Pangolin in Namibia.... #shorts #wildafricafilms #wildnamibia #stoppoaching #conservationfilmfoundation, #wildfilms #whynamibia #outreach #yimwe #conservationistsinaction #natuurbewaarder, #naturschutz, #biodiversity, #eco, #shorts, #etosha, #namibia, #elephants, #ecosystem, #environment, #sustainability #climatechange, #conservation, #desertlion, #desertelephants #canonc70 #shorts

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