Q&A for Luminous Life Group Mentorship Program

2 years ago

I am going to answer a few questions that people have asked me about the course. I will also answer the questions that you post. Please feel free to ask anything related to the course process and tag and share this video.

You are invited on a sacred journey of personal transformation and spiritual awakening to realize the fulfillment of your evolutionary capacity and embody your highest divine-human expression with support from a group coaching environment.

This immersive course includes 8 live online meetings spread out over 4 months where we will meet together as a global community to practice new skills, dive deep into spiritual wisdom teachings, and expand our offerings and path of service. Participants will have a database of video material, suggested reading, and at-home practices which can be done alone or with a partner, or with a group.

This course is perfect for those wanting to heal themselves, illuminate the mind, and come into focused alignment with their higher calling and purpose in life.

Course Completion & Certification:
Some may do this course solely for themselves and their own healing and awakening journey. Some may do this to be certified as a Luminous Life Coach. To complete certification, participants must complete all required video content and skill practicum and a short exit interview with Michael and Ron.

During this course, you will:
- Immerse yourself in knowledge, wisdom, and practices to heal all levels of your body-mind and stabilize yourself in liberated consciousness.

- Honor the symbiotic relationship between body, mind, & Spirit, and cultivate a deep reverent connection to yourself, the Divine, and all of Life.

- Revitalize, soothe, and harmonize your body-mind system to achieve higher levels of health and full-spectrum wellness.

- Break free of karmic cycles of suffering and limitation, and rise to your highest creative potential.

- Explore the depths of subconscious patterning to integrate past trauma, evolve beyond painful emotional patterns, and expand beyond limited egoic identity.

- Increase mental focus and develop radiant meditative awareness in all areas of life.

- Catalyze multidimensional transformation and activate intuitive skills and spiritual gifts.

- Cultivate willpower, determination, and leadership capacity to assist humanity and Earth through this global transformation.

- Grow as a healer, coach, spiritual guide, and metaphysical alchemist.

- Connect, grow, and collaborate with a global community of awakening beings, changemakers, truth servers, healers, visionaries, and pioneers of New Earth consciousness.

- Develop and launch services and outreach projects to catalyze positive transformation in your local community and online networks.

Who is this course for:
Anyone who wants to heal and awaken and anyone who wants to assist in the healing and awakening of humanity. This includes but is not limited to: mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, lovers, teachers, healers, coaches, social workers, therapists, medical professionals, psychologists, business leaders, ministers, public speakers, counselors, friends, and beyond.

More information: https://www.newearthascending.org/luminous-life-program.html

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