Where Was The UN During The Tigray War?

2 years ago

During the horrific war between Ethiopia, Eritrea, and the Tigray province why didn't international agencies step in?

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At one point the Ethiopian government and I guess Eritrea decided that the way to defeat the TDF was to essentially starve the people of Tigray. That's absolutely correct that the key weapon understandably the most effective weapon they had was starvation. This war of starvation unfolded in two phases. The first was when they were actually in the occupation of Tigray. which was from about the end of November 2020 for about eight months. and that was a period of of pillaging and looting stealing food destroying businesses closing the banks stealing money destroying the health infrastructure the water infrastructure raping tens if not hundreds of thousands of women and girls and so on. so destroying everything that was there to sustain life to sustain livelihoods and development driving people off that land Etc. and then when the Tigrayans resumed had driven out the occupiers and controlled them to cry they were completely surrounded. and what the Ethiopian and Eritrean forces did was they enforced a blockade. which invented almost no humanitarian aid. and all banking services telecommunications trade Etc completely shut off. so all those people who had had their life savings in banks Insurance schemes and so on couldn't get hold of any money. no one could be paid. business ground to a halt and then and then virtually no aid was allowed in. When the war resumed in August of this year and the advancing armies of Ethiopian Eritrea overran quite significant areas of Tigray again more than a million people were displaced. and they simply had absolutely nowhere to go. no shelter no no no no food no medicine and it really looked as though hundreds of thousands would die. in fact, the death toll from famine during the last two years is estimated at about 600,000.

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