The Kimberly Cloud Show Special Edition " Ashli Babbitt"

2 years ago

I have reason to believe that Ashli Babbitt was murdered illegally. I have reason because none of the other officers fired their weapons accept him. He "Lt.Bryd" Said: "He has been trained years on this type of tactic. Have you seen the "Manchurian Candidate?"How is it that, on the ear piece they are told which people to take out. Do officers guarding high officials wear ear pieces? Think about the movies? We are talking about Congress. Tear gas, Non lethal force could have been used. Just because a murderer gets off doesnt mean they are innocent. Mabey you got off in this life killing someone who did not have a weapon, but was probably at most breaking and entering. When democratic children go yo d-spray paint and vandalize cnn and high end corporate companies do they get lethal force? What I want to know was who told you to take her out. You wear speakers video cameras and many other things so who gave you the okay? Like you could have even released the hounds on her. Now what you say is many of lives would have been taken. With now gun and two guards standing right there. About or around 7,000 people at the insurrection and 112 police officer injured 5 commit suicide.
Wake up it is some type of organized crime that is going on right now and we are turning a blind eye and this cancer stick will come your way one day so you might as well pay attention to it now by nipping it in the bud.

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