Nimrod, The Tower of Babel, demonic possession, and Genesis 6 | Demonology & Angelology | IGM Ep 4

2 years ago

Nimrod, The Tower of Babel, demonic possession, and Genesis 6 | Demonology & Angelology | IGM Ep 4 with host Chris Ulery

So we’ve all heard of the Tower of Babel, but if we’re being honest most of us don’t really understand why God wanted to stop the Tower of Babel? What’s so bad about building a tower to Heaven? And was Nimrod (the guy believed to have led the people constructing the tower of Babel) a good guy or a bad guy? Where do demons come from? Are demons different from fallen angels? All of these are interesting questions, and even more interesting is that they all relate to the debate we’ve been having on this channel about the Nephilim, Gibborim, and the Sons of God in Genesis 6. Want to know how they’re all connected? Stay tuned to find out!

Fallen Angels Overtook Man View of Genesis 6: 2:46
Is a hybrid race necessary to explain God's actions in the old testament: 4:52
Super human abilities of the demon possessed: 9:30
The demigods of ancient folklore 12:54
Nimrod and the tower of Babel: 14:40
The flaws in the "Angels Overtook Man View" 17:36
Angelology and Demonology: 18:30
-Origin of demons
-Difference between fallen angels and demons
-Interdimensional bodies
-demonic possession

#demonicpossession #nimrod #TowerofBabel #Genesis6 #Demonology #Angelology

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