Apparently if you call people stupid they will support your beliefs

2 years ago

When the left wing middle class tell you how kind they are and against bullying, what they mean is left wing middle class people should not be bullied but sod everyone else. Now this lady did not say she supported the conservatives. She clearly stated she was voting conservatives as she did not see Labour being for her. Indeed most people do not unless you are left wing middle class. In the reply vid where the chap also mocks her. He ignored the point where she says Labour get money from unions. Indeed the question is do Labour put unions before the public. It often feels like sod the public we will promote the unions regardless. He also in the reply vid talks about cleaners on the strike. My understanding is such as the NHS normally have (or did have) a private cleaning firm. So it is unlikely cleaners would be on strike. Most seem to be big fat nurses on an average wage of £35k or more. Indeed as a student nurse we were told never strike and never talk about striking as the public would turn against you. One thing to point out is that I noticed with the vote to leave the EU (I would have stayed in personally) that many seemed to vote to go out because left wing middle class people were telling others they were stupid and racist. I have often thought if it had not been for all the self righteous left wing middle class people mocking others then it may have kept us in. But I guess these left wing middle class Labour supporters for some reason believe if you call people stupid then they will respect your view and vote Labour.

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