Reasons To vote Labour if your left wing middle class 7: The minimum wage makes the poor more poor

2 years ago

Reasons To vote Labour if your left wing middle class 7: The minimum wage makes the poor even more poor

The good thing about voting Labour is with luck they will keep putting the minimum wage up. Although the minimum wage is no longer trendy so we say fair wage until that no longer is trendy.

It is wonderful for us left wing middle class people as the more you put up the minimum wage the more business go bust. Or the jobs go out of the UK to other countries like the call Center jobs did when they first had the minimum wage. Then they often have few staff and have self service like most supermarkets as well as do everything online.

So this is why we nice king left wing people need to vote Labour to make sure they keep destroying working class jobs by making them too expensive. This way they cannot afford to drive and it leaves the roads free for us.

And the bonus is. The more you put up the minimum wage the more firms have to increase prices. So food cost increases and it means the poor cannot afford food. This will save the NHS a fortune when they starve to death.

This is why we should vote for Labour as they care about us left wing middle class by making the roads better for us by getting the working class people off the roads.

Please vote Labour so the left wing middle classes can have a better life at the expense of the working class.

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