Reasons To vote Labour if your left wing middle class 2: It is trendy

2 years ago

Reasons To vote Labour if your left wing middle class 2: It is trendy

A few reasons to vote Labour for good left wing middle class people

1. It is trendy and makes you look kind and nice

By voting Labour you can look nice and kind and bully and insult those who do not.

2. You can hate people and get away with it.

Like the Nazi socialists who hated Jews you too can hate who you want. You can post how you hate the rich. How you hate white people even if you are white. How you hate males. How you hate conservatives. You can even be a Labour mo and where a shirt saying I would not kiss a Tory. And all the left wing middle class people will defend you and say it is a joke.

2. Look down on working class people.

You can call them names if they do not agree with you. Tell them they are stupid and say the read the sun.

4. Cosplay being working class.

You can buy a flat cap as apparently that is what working class people wear. And tell each other your in fact working class while clearly you are middle class.


You can take the pee out of the working class by telling them the strikes are going to benefit them. Even though children will miss out on school education. Business will go bust and people become unemployed. And people miss out on operations.

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