When we stand together, we can win.

2 years ago

This is a story about triumph and what it looks like when political leaders stand shoulder to shoulder with the church in order to protect our children and defend our family values.

There is an agenda against families. We believe it is a godless agenda. We are living in a time where society seems to call evil good and good evil. And when the church is silent, we are allowing evil to prevail because it is the only voice in the public square.

Our sincere hope is that this story sends a signal to pastors across the state of Tennessee. It is time to stand. God has called you to be a watchman on the wall for such a time as this.

Special thanks to Tennessee State Representative Chris Todd and Pastor Garry Martin of First Assembly of God in Jackson, TN. Thank you for sharing this story. And thank you for standing in the gap for our children.

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