Scott Bennett CIA: NATO Labs in Ukraine Worked On Bioweapons Targeting Russian DNA–Covid 19 Connection

1 year ago

21/10/2003 ARCHIVES: CHERNOBYL catastrophe was not an accident! Russians know that!.. Different facts and evidence show it was a full-scale sabotage against the former USSR, which resulted in collapse of the world superpower.

"The Chernobyl power plant was blown up by a foreign agent! Department of Nuclear Energy, Science Academy with its research and design institutes were not ready for such an unexpected disaster. Chernobyl nuclear holocaust was not an accident. Nuclear reactors have high level of reliability proved by a number of tests. Water pumps of primary and back-up cooling systems could not have been simultaneously disabled. The picture of blown up reactor was taken too opportunely by the U.S. satellite that was "accidentally" on the proper orbit above the 4th block at that very time. Logically analyzed facts and developments of "cold war" in 50th show Chernobyl catastrophe was not an accident. That was a full-scale sabotage of the century, which resulted in breakdown of the USSR economic basis and "soviet" socialist system in general. The adversaries of the USSR made an effective use of the negligence and incompetence of the government headed by Gorbachev along with the lack of sufficient control of restricted areas."

V. Baranov,
Former Chief Of Staff Deputy For Special Zone Forces
in Chernobyl nuclear power plant area retired colonel
AFP, 22 September 2000; Reuters, 23 September 2000
Ukraine SBU security service (USSR KGB then) says it foiled Chernobyl sabotage in 1983. Suspects were arrested together with documents, plans to destabilize the country. The sabotage of Chernobyl, hydro-electric power plants and gas pipe lines was planned.
2023-01-21 SHADOWGATE, Scott Bennett. part 1
2023-01-21 SHADOWGATE, Scott Bennett. part 2



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