Leo Full Moon Feb 5 '23 Astrology Affirmations, and Harmonies #astrology #highvibes #sound

2 years ago

https://www.soundworksbygehl.com This Leo Full Moon leads us back to the heart, encouraging us to let it be the guide for our next steps. With a T-square from Uranus to this full moon, we may feel like we're at a crossroads. It is all in how we perceive the change, and work with the energies. Thank you for supporting my channel and services. You are greatly appreciated!! 🙏 💖 🎶 💓 For the best listening, good speakers or headphones are recommended.

For an in depth astrology reading with Jennifer visit: https://soundworksbygehl.com/astrology-readings/

For Jennifer's books on planetary science visit: https://www.innertraditions.com/books/the-return-of-planet-sedna

Timestamp for Affirmations and Harmonies

Written Affirmations:

Sun/FM - Leo Full Moon:
I am now ready to make choices for myself based upon my heart’s true desires, and trust that this path leads to expanded joy in the collective as well.

Sun/FM/Uranus (T-square):
Any disruptions I experience right now serve to awaken my heart’s true desires, and help me make wiser choices for myself that lead to greater freedom.

Sun/FM/Mars (trine and sextile):
Abundant energy now moves my life forward from a place of divine determination, creativity, and joy, and this inspires others to do the same.

Mercury/Pluto/Neptune (sextile):
My reception to the divine spiritual ideal for my life and our world now informs all that I see, speak, and act upon.

Mercury/Sedna trine:
My thoughts, words, and actions now completely align with all that is divine and that leads to much greater abundance for myself and the world around me.

Venus/Mars square:
The push and pull of my inner yin and yang serve to expand my heart consciousness in ways that bring more love into my world and the world around me.

Venus/Uranus sextile:
Sudden joyful surprises and unexpected opportunities abound for me at this time, and I find myself able to respond with trust, ease and grace.

Jupiter/Chiron/Full Moon trine:
Abundant healing is available now for each person’s “I AM Presence” and heart center, which is expanding for the highest good of all.

Jupiter/Chiron/Mars sextile:
The I AM principle in every person is healing now, and receiving a positive charge of energy that fortifies communication and courage.

Saturn/Sedna square:
The tension between outside systems of authority and the inner spiritual authority I follow motivates me to expand heart consciousness that radiates a reverence for all life.

Neptune/Sedna sextile:
There is an enormous opportunity now for all human souls to awaken to the interconnectedness of all life and a soul deep compassion that upholds the universal law of reciprocity.

Pluto/Sedna trine:
I celebrate my soul’s graduation from an endless loop of duality’s extreme ups and downs, to now soar with divine spirit as the New Earth is established and the Golden Age of Light ensues.

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