Cestui Que Vie- do we have £1,000,000 in our name?

2 years ago

The ancient and inner functionings of the Law have largely been witheld from us- even from our Lawyers and Judges.
Who gains from our ignorance and can we learn about the Law, Maritime Law and our Cestui Que Vie to return us to full free sovereignty?
Part one of many discussions with John freeman- Scottish researcher in the subject of personal sovereignty for the last twenty years.

The Heavenly Tea:

Conversations to prepare us for a free world in the luxurious form of a tea-party. Traditionally world-changing conversations would be held over a cup of tea….so whether you use your best China, your favourite mug, tea, coffee or water, we will be indulging in a moment of calm to chew over some of life’s mysterious conundrums- all in favour of increasing all of our personal expression. Welcome!

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