If you Don't Feel like Working Watch This!!

2 years ago

You will have days when you don't feel like working. But it's in those days. We don’t feel like it, we feel tired, we feel sad, we feel angry, or we feel stressed. Those kinds of days you feel these things, those count. If you have big goals, big dreams, big ambitions, what you do during those days, will determine your future, from then on. If you decide to skip the gym, call in sick, skip the opportunity of working for your business, skip showing up to practice because you just don’t feel like it. Will set you off course from your dreams, and will not make your dreams possible. But if you show up, regardless if you're hurt, regardless if your upset because your girlfriend cheated on you, regardless if your parents get into a fight with you, or you lose a loved one, or you're getting bullied in school. If you just show up, your already winning, your already on course to receiving your dreams. It may not happen later in the afternoon, after you get through the difficulty of the morning, or even tomorrow. Or a month from now, but eventually when you show up everyday, and go through the motions. You will then arrive with your dreams, and you will then look back to those days, you didn’t want to show up and be proud, and honored that you did. People say dreams are not possible, because people that say that quit the second life gets hard. Don't be like one of them.

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