art and poem,as seen on instagram #cup #drawwithme #writingprompt #irememberwhen #exhaleyourworries

2 years ago

I was remembering a time a decade ago,another time.
A rival asked me when I was exam going in training...
"How do I look so calm and collected all the way to completion?"
My younger self never had the words to say that time...I just clammed up,
soft spoken
maybe these words I whispered in my heart
maybe the words stayed on until it is safe to utter..
Now as my adult self..
creativity is a safe space I can express and release...
how about you?
#writingprompt #reflection

As my youngest baby cousin prepares for her first of many final mbbs exams this week,my prayers are with her.
I know she will do well she has some of my stars,she has the ancestors blessings and she has all the wonder I left on the crown of her head when I left her with a wish that she never give up on her dreams.
I am yearning to be there at the finishing line.

Now when I see a dear youngster go through the same archway I once had walked through.

my words are free to be expressed
while enjoying a latte.
sending an air cheers to all.

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