Black Mirror? Chinese Robotics Company Unveils Fleet of Police Robot Dogs! [28.01.2023]

2 years ago

Thinks are 'connected' and There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!

'A True Friend Tells the Truth, Even if it Risks the Friendship' - Proverbs 9:8-9 + 27:17

All Truth passes through three stages before it is recognized:
1. First, it is ridiculed.
2. Then it is violently opposed.
3. Then it is accepted as being self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher (1788-1860)

'Do you love life? Then don't waste your time, because time is the 'stuff' life is made of' - Bruce Lee(1940 - 1973)

"Opinions are like Assholes, Everybody Has One!" - Simone Elkeles
There is a name for it: COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

'99,99% of times people hold a corte belief that is very strong.

When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted.

It create a feelinmg that is extremely uncomfortable and it is called Cognitive Dissonance.

And becauseit is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalise ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit
in with the core belief.'
- Franz Fanon Psychiatrist and philosopher.

Predictive Programming (MKultra)
Social Engineering
Subliminal Messages:

There is a Storm Coming Michael Shannon

Clip 1.
Unsettling video out of China features robotics company Unitree mass testing a large fleet of robot dogs, alarming many users on social media worried about an AI robot uprising.
The footage shows hundreds of Unitree’s $2,700 Go1 robot dogs simultaneously making the same movements, as researchers stand by observing the tests.

Chinese Robotics Company Unveils Fleet of Robot Dogs.

Clip 2.
Jung_E (2023) TV-14 1h 38m
Set in the 22nd century, climate change has caused the planet to become uninhabitable and humans live within a man-made shelter. A war takes place within the shelter. Jung Yi is the elite leader of the allied forces. She becomes the subject of a brain cloning experiment. The cloning experiment is a potential key to win the war.
Release date: January 20, 2023 (United States)
Country of origin: South Korea
Netflix Site:

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