The Bedouin Who Raced Prophet Mohamed, And Won | Untranslated Islam #3

2 years ago

Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef
Episode 3: What Goes Up... Must Come Down!

Welcome to Untranslated Islam, with Ben Yusef....

In Episode 3, an unexpected situation leads Ben to share some personal advice with regards to the importance of realizing that when you step out upon any potentially blessed endeavour, your trials and tribulations may increase.

Also, being careful to not over invest stock into worldy occurrences and affairs.

He brings examples from history and engaging stories to support his point, including the story of the competition between the Prophet (PBUH) and the confident bedouin.

Also, protection from the Evil Eye, being sure to give all the glory to God for every blessing, and the power the devil has when we neglect God's remembrance...

Remember, In this Worldly Life, 'What Goes Up, Must Come Down.'

Hope you enjoy the episode!

0:00 Intro

3:00 When you set out with intention and firm will upon any righteous endeavour, EXPECT that the enemy is going to ramp up his attacks upon you... So increase in seeking closeness to Allah, imploring His Guidance, Aid and Protection, and patiently persevere!

7:05 Hadith: 'Whoever humbles themselves for Allah's Sake, Allah will raise them'

09:05 Life Lesson: Don't invest to much stock into anything of this worldly life

11:25 Lesson from the Battle of Uhud and Battle of Hunayn- Allah teaching lessons of humility

14:00 Authentic Story: the Prophet's prize racing camel, Al- Adbaa العضباء

17:25 Authentic Hadith:' It is the Right of Allah that anything that is raised up of this world, must be levelled/brought back down
(What goes up... must come down!)

19:20 Lesson- Allah's Encouragement for us to remain humble
Untranslated Islam aims to spread Islamic knowledge among English speaking Muslims through translating new Arabic sources and linking it to our everyday lives.

Your support at this early stage of the show will have a great impact on its future and longevity.
(☝️ exclusive episodes to come soon InShaAllah)

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