Anthony Fauci is a FRAUD, a LIAR and CORRUPT, or the most negligent, man on the planet"

1 year ago

A very powerful statement from Thomas Renz.
He explains...
"I am the person who gets the phone call when your loved one's dying, or being murdered in a hospital, when you're injured by the vaccine and they're telling you that you've got a mental disorder"
"When Peter McCullough, and doctors like Peter McCullough, get a threatening letter from their state medical board - we're going take your licence because you're too busy saving lives to follow the narrative, I get the phone call"

He goes on to expose how the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has been actively promoting flu vaccines for many years.
Simply replace the word 'influenza' with 'COVID-19'
"You've all been manipulated, you've been lied to"

"I'm alleging corruption on a massive scale, and I challenge anybody to give me a hard time about that, because I'll see you in court"

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