Imminent Cyber Attack for a New World Order -- In order to herd the people into 'Building Back Better', as they want it, they must make sure that

1 year ago

The corporate fascist socialist communist Khazarian mafia globalist crime syndicate technocrats propaganda machine for the planning of a massive cyber attack aimed at taking out the grid to plunge society into the chaos that they want, whereby they can then present their solution, their "New World Order one world government solution, with "free" "money", and other deceptions to lure you into acceptance & surrendering your human rights, is ramping up speed & pressure lately..
And we should ALL heed the warnings, and simply refuse to collaborate with the globalist crime syndicate, and so avoid their intended global disaster! For, in order for them, to have the people "Build Back Better" as THEY want it, they must first drive the peoples around the world, into destroying their old system. ORDO AB CHAO!
Remember: They must, AND WILL, herd the global populace into untold suffering, so that those that will then still be alive, will ACCEPT ANYTHING the globalist crime syndicate will offer, to "restore peace".
Stay vigilant..
OUR SOLUTION, the solution of the people IS SIMPLE, for when we the people don't do it, then it WILL NOT HAPPEN. It is up to us, if we so choose it to be, what will replace the old system. Will it be the totalitarian New World Order Khazarian mafia slave farm?? Where all humans will be worse off than any cattle? Or will it be a new world, where everyone will love to live in, and call home.
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer. Simply give him nothing anymore, then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, falling on his own weight and break into pieces." ~Étienne de La Boétie

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