So Alan Cumming hands back his OBE citing the ‘toxicity of empire’ #AlanCumming

2 years ago

When I was at school in the 1980’s my friend was left handed The teacher forced him to use his right hand. The teacher was kind and thought he was doing good as this was apparently when was the belief at the time. Today people would say that was cruel and they never would do it. So why do I say this? I say is trendy to claim others are bad and how you would not have done the same when you have modern information and hindsight. To condemn others in the past for past actions means you are god. As only hod could know how people of the time thought. In truth most countries have done bad. Most indeed had slaves. Indeed if we are to teach African history it would show the Africans sold us slaves. It would show Africans themselves owned Europe slaves. Yet do we see these self righteous people condemn African countries from what they did in the past? Of course not. And why should anyone condemn anyone today for what went on in the past. Do we condemn the Romans for invading the UK of course not. One suspects those who declare how they see the British empire as being bad, do so as it is trendy and they believe it will make them look like wonderful kind people. And at the same time lots of left wing middle class people will desperately pist how wonderful this person is for saying how bad the British empire was in order to join in the look@how wonderful and nice I am. In reality they seem to be saying they are god and know the minds of the people of the time.


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