Liberty Portal Podcast Ep. 04 - Davos, Wokeism, and Self-Ownership

2 years ago

The Liberty Portal Podcast is produced by Sheehan Works and presented by your gateway to a free society.

This show examines current events through a libertarian lens, seeking truth, cracking jokes, and providing you with better arguments to advocate for a freer world.

David, Henri, and Joe explore the WEF’s ongoing meeting in Davos, the implications of ESG, Wokeism, and stakeholder capitalism on freedom and self ownership, Jeremy Clarkson's cancellation, free speech as a constitutional right but not a natural right, and much more.

This episode is produced by LibertyPortal host, Joe Sheehan. His multimedia production company, Sheehan Works, focuses on producing top-quality content for liberty-oriented brands and organizations. Based in Bozeman, but available worldwide. Explore past projects and get in touch about your next one today at

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00:32 - World Economic Forum & Davos
6:58 - Who will own the things? ESG & Wokeism vs. markets
9:54 - Stakeholder capitalism
14:45 - Corporations & the Social Credit of Wokeism
19:20 - Jeremy Clarkson’s second cancellation & speech as violence
28:26 - Is free speech a natural right?
32:30 - Biometric data & private property rights vs. innovation

(13:00) New American Values ETF -

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