MASSIVE new ATF NFA Change? [UPDATE in description]

1 year ago

DISCLAIMER: This is new and rapidly developing situation could and likely/hopefully will change. I want to bring this to people's attention with some analysis but I want to STRONGLY caution that this may rapidly change or turn out to be nothing.


It was noticed that the ATF has added to their FAQ section on their eforms website this:

Q. If I am the registered owner of a NFA item, can someone else shoot my item in my presence?
No. Only Responsible Person(s) listed on the approved registration may have physical or constructive possession of the NFA item.

There are only two possible explanations. One, whoever wrote this FAQ made a mistake or two that this is a massive new ruling from the ATF that we are going to be hearing about soon.... and once more flies in the face of how everything has been done to date.

To date, the ATF has maintained that as long as there is no transfer and the individual who is the lawfully registered person or responsible party for a trust or corporate entity maintains "dominion and control" of the firearm and complies with all other applicable federal, state and local firearm laws then another individual can use, shop, test fire, etc., the firearm under the Gun Control Act.

This means that rental ranges can lawfully operate, that friends can let their buddy try out their title 2 devices, and spouses do not need to risk felony exposure by being alone with a device left out in the basement or car after a day at the range.

What will all of this mean? Will it turn into a rule? Is the ATF simply tipping their hand by accident? Is it a mistake?

#2ndamendment #ccw #nfa

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