Daily Chess play - 1361 - Bittersweet Victory - Need to take advantage of my leads

2 years ago

First game, Gained a pawn advantage during move 12. Then he made a mistake with moving pawn to e6 and I traded Knight for a Knight and Bishop. I hang a pawn later which I predicted I will make an error when taking a lead. He then misses that he pins his own Queen after moving Rook to f8. Black resigns.

Second game, Gained a pawn early. Not sure if that is a strategy to open up your mid by sacrificing your King's pawn. I have seen that a few times now. He setup his black space Bishop for the diaganol so I make sure to block it. I After a flurry of trades, my Rook ends up on the 7th square at h7. I begin taking all the King's defenses and if he takes my King he loses his Queen. He could have made an even trade but the King ran away instead which made it worse for him. Black resigns.

Third game, I was given the opportunity to push my pawns up and squeeze Black. I think I had a good position but I hung my Queen on d3 but luckily opponent didn't see it. Don't like winning like that but I guess it's fair since I have also blundered wins too. Some payback =).

Overall, I think I did well besides the obvious blunders. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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