DARPA Agent Admits he can Write a Python Program to hack your brain

2 years ago

Everyone has had the experience where they were on the internet searching for something, and then an ad popped up later on social media for what they were searching for. For the longest time, people were called conspiracy theorist for making these types of non-factual statements without any evidence. The only problem is it turned out to be very true.

So one day I was getting something from the fridge, but I didn't know what I wanted, and I suddenly had this craving for a certain ice cream. Mind you this isn't a brand I usually buy. So a few seconds later I open TikTok and right the is the ice cream brand again I was thinking about.

Now I could have chucked this up to sheer coincidence only that it wasn't the first time for this to happen, and it continued to happen so much I had decided to google what happened to me and then begin asking around if anyone else experienced this phenomenon, to my surprise yes.

So a person who is psychotic could not have shared experiences, that is how you know you aren't crazy, Because let's just face it this is some next level sci-fi shit!

So then I sought out to find is there even technology available to achieve this, and this is what I have found. Now this is DARPA saying this in their own words, " DARPA Agent Admits he can Write a Python Program to hack your brain"

I just posted the video here where he says it there is a whole presentation and I will provide you with my entire research into this including other Scholarly sources as always references below.

Besides DARPA Raytheon, BAE Systems and Northrop Grumman are the three defense contractors that work closely with the government and I'd strongly suggest looking into them as well.

The original video link: DARPA Agent Admits he can Write a Python Program to hack your brain

The Government Can Read Your Mind: Can the Constitution Stop It?

History Channels Documentary on DARPAS Mind Control Program

MIT Technology reviews-The US military is trying to read minds

Pubmed study/ Research Gate

How DARPA got started

Project Pandora " The brain initiative" mind control

Declassified CIA Docs on Project pandora


Other sources


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