Woke Demon Statue on NYC Courthouse

2 years ago

On the controversial new statue unveiled on top of the NYC courthouse by Madison Square Park. The activist themed statue, named "NOW", created by Pakistani American artist Shahzia Sikander is a female figure emerging from a pink lotus. It has braids shaped as horns with a judicial lace apron. It is meant to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion.

Regardless of how you feel about abortion, playing into such a procedure being linked w/ a creepy looking tentacle armed entity, seems to do more harm than good in getting both sides of the argument to understand each other & seems more like a further wedge driven down the middle of the culture war.

The artist says it's part of an “urgent and necessary cultural reckoning underway as New York reconsiders traditional representations of power in public spaces and recasts civic structures to better reflect 21st-century social mores.”

What is missing from this is that the traditional representations of power have always included a female aspect to them, such as the Twin Torched goddess Hekate on the top of the courthouse. Not just being harmonious with the overall composition, this Hekate figure's 2 torches light the way during initiation into the mysteries, an ancient tradition of getting towards a higher level of consciousness going back further than recorded history.

It is this process of Promethean illumination that enables us to actually understand our role in the universe instead of dividing us along racial or gender lines in this pitiful game of identity politics.



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