Project Veritas - Jordon Trishtan Walker - Pfizer Reveal

2 years ago

The video compilation you just watched was quite shocking and revealing.

On the surface its just another deep state player caught tinkering with the system. But at a deeper level for those of us in Canada, it raises a lot of new questions.

The combined videos were viewed by over 25 million people in less than 48 hours. This is a number that would make even Tucker Carlson envious!

But on the ground, here in Canada, we have some serious new questions.

Most provincial governments have policies governing criminal activity and harassment. All managers, for example, MUST take training on how to handle cases involving the discovery of criminal activity and of harassing behaviour. In most jurisdictions, the policy is very clear. A manager, upon learning of such activity, is duty-bound to report the incident and to take immediate action - OR RISK PERSONAL LEGAL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES ARISING FROM LAW SUITS STEMMING FROM THOSE ACTIVITIES.

In other words, once the government becomes aware of the issue, they MUST take action to remedy or rectify the matter - or they could become liable for damages.

As the Pfizer agenda collapses around the world, and as the vaccine death numbers increase beyond statistical reason, this situation has the potential to leave provinces in a very precarious position.

To protect provincial treasuries, every provincial government should be making public announcements about terminating their relationships with pharmaceutical companies. Provinces should launch their own investigations, and make swift and decisive moves to take corrective action.

It has already been 48 hours since we observed the Pfizer self-disclosure on this topic. Not a single jurisdiction has yet to step forward and do the right thing. So we must ask:

- At what point do governments stop being the injured party and START being a co-conspirator in the Pfizer activities? And

- How do citizens of any given province protect themselves from the cost of damages when their elected politicians appear to be complicit?

We don't have the answers to these questions, but every hour that passes by, without our Premiers and Health Ministers making the critical announcement, increases our personal exposure to financial disaster.

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