Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout #bourboncounty #bourboncountystout #craftbeer #beerreview

2 years ago

Today we are sampling Bourbon County Brand Stout from Goose Island

#bourboncounty #bourboncountry #bourboncountystout #craftbeer #beerreview

In 1992, former Goose Island brewmaster Gregory Hall wanted to brew something truly unique for the brewpub’s 1,000th batch, he just needed some inspiration. Then a chance encounter between Greg and Jim Beam’s Booker Noe led to Goose Island acquiring the barrels for what was to become the world’s first bourbon barrel-aged beer, Bourbon County Stout. 

Today, Bourbon County Stout is not only a local favorite but globally known for setting the standard of barrel-aged stouts with continued innovation. This year, we commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the extraordinary Bourbon County Stout history with a lineup sure to excite new and diehard fans alike.

Goose Island Bourbon County Stout

Every year since its inception in 1992, we strive to honor the original Bourbon County Stout recipe. And, 30 years later, we continue Gregory Hall’s legacy and passion for making the best beer possible, starting with the best barrels the bourbon trail has to offer. This year, our Imperial Stout is aged and blended from freshly emptied bourbon barrels from Heaven Hill, Four Roses, Wild Turkey, and Buffalo Trace distilleries. Expect flavors of vanilla, dark chocolate, toffee, molasses, almond, and dried fruit.

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