2017040201 ,Our Hands are Stained with Blood by Michael Brown, Testimony

2 years ago

Only 47 min : Trip to Israel, There's blood on our Hands


Revelation 12:4 – “The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.”

“This animosity (what we call anti-Semitism today) had its beginning in the garden when God promised Eve that one of her descendants would crush the enemy’s head. The weight of this man-hatred later centered in Abraham and his descendants.” – p. 65

- Look over these names, events and peoples as they relate to the Genesis 3:15 promised “seed of the woman” who would crush Satan’s head and Satan’s plot to destroy the Seed, and consider how often God’s promise in the Garden has been threatened.
-The murder of the “good son” Abel
-The disintegration of the whole race before the flood
-The rebellion of the Tower of Babel
-After Abraham’s call, Sarah’s barrenness
Rebecca’s barrenness
-Famine during the time of Jacob (Israel)
-Israel in Egyptian bondage
-Idolatry in the wilderness
-After the call of David, his sons become the targets
-The promise in young King Joash, at which time the entire Davidic Messianic promise rested in the loins of a one year old.
-Unfaithfulness and exile to Assyria and Babylon
-The “Seed” in the young virgin Mary
-The attempts on the life of Jesus during his earthly years
-Since Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, the targeted family
-Romans, early Christian replacement theology, Byzantines, Crusaders, Inquisition, Pogroms, Nazism, Muslim extremists today, etc.
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Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq
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Michael Brown https://www.youtube.com/@ AskDrBrownVideos

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