NM# 391 - As The Image Or Facsimile Of God (Spirit) - This Is How You Co-Create Reality Around You

2 years ago

I want to give you another good reason of why my messages are #truth . Why it is important and imperative that #humanity comprehends that we are the #incarnation of #god . And why it is important to understand that being made in the image of God, is that we are #creators and co-creators with our #thoughts and #words .

You can see that theme about 'thoughts and words' stretched throughout the entire #bible . The emphasis that is placed on thoughts and words and the combination of them both, and how it creates our reality. It is imperative that humanity comprehends that you and I are God in the flesh.

Now why do I say this? The only way that humanity collectively and individually will take response-ability for our actions, and thoughts and words is in consciously comprehending the gravity of what it means to be "made in the image of God". It means we are creators!

And the reality that we are living today is the reality that is formed by our collective thoughts as we seed the Quantum Field with the #frequency of our #emotions and words. Only when we realise this will we be living in a #mindful #conscious way and consider how we feel and speak to one another. For if we want to change the future, we need to change the Now and become more responsive.

We cannot unconsciously hold the lower vibrations of #anger , #jealousy , #offence , #hatred , #resentment , #unforgiveness and live closed hearted with one another, and not expect to create a collective #hell of #war and anger and hatred and resentment and unforgiveness. That will then on the macro manifest as #russia vs #ukraine , or one country being in #hostility against one another. This is what our #internal thoughts and #feelings create on the outside collectively. And unless we understand that we are in fact God incarnate, in each one of our beings we will not live responsibly, we will not take responsibility for our thoughts and feelings and actions.

Because we believe there is a God outside of us somewhere that is going to take care of this at the 'Last Judgement' where God admits the good people into #heaven and throws the bad people into hell. Now that is a fallacy, that is a fairy tale.

It is imperative that you understand that you are God and that you are creating the world every day, so that you can take responsibility for your inner thoughts and feelings, the inner vibration and frequency. So that you don't add more of that to the collective environment of the quantum field and create more strife, more opposition, more war. Do you see what I am saying?

Being God is not some fanciful egoic concept, it is quantum realisation and taking responsibility for how we live and express ourselves in this life. It is important that you understand this, it is important that you understand this truth. You are the only hope for humanity. You are the Saviour and you need to begin taking account of your own feelings and your own thoughts that you hold toward and against other people. You are God incarnate, in flesh and blood.

#renegademusings #imageofgod #imagodei #cocreators #creators #youcreateyourreality #youcreateyourownreality #judgement #god #christian #quantummanifestation #thoughts #feelings #theword #thewordofgod #responsibility #responsable #youaregod

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