The Perfect Chicken Coop

2 years ago

These are absolute essential elements for a good and practical chicken coop that will be keep it fun and make it work. We are planning our old/new coop and will start working on it soon...

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00:00 Welcome & Introduction
03:42 Bedding
05:17 Nesting Boxes
06:13 Roosts
07:40 Waterer Placement
08:48 Feeder Placement
09:35 Chicken Tractor Livestream
10:09 Pop Door
10:59 Entrance
12:02 Feed Storage
13:07 Practical Cleaning Setup
14:20 Predator
15:43 Bonus Point 1
16:23 Bonus Point 2
16:48 Holistic Land Planning
18:22 Outro

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