An ancient sanctuary from 4000 years ago A god that warriors prayed to for victory in battle Japan

1 year ago

Healing Japan Travel
An 11-minute walk from Zempukuji Park and Osonoi Ichikishima Shrine.
This sanctuary is located on a vast site that one would not expect to find in a residential area in Tokyo.
The straight approach after the large torii gate is the sanctuary where people and horses run once every five years during the Yabusame ritual.
It is an old-fashioned ritual.

The area around the hand-watering basin has a unique atmosphere, and when you look at it, you will see the god of payment in the back. The ancient arrangement reminds me of Izumo Shrine.

It is a Tokyo shrine that does not look like Tokyo.
Please come and feel it.

Igusa Hachimangu Shrine Official Website

Igusa Hachimangu Shrine Excavated Jomon-era tsuri-te form earthenware with face graspers

Igusa Hachimangu Shrine Yabusame

Neighborhood Introduction. 11 min. walk - Benten-sama and Oyonoichi Kijima Shrine on a small island with a bridge that crosses only once a year.
11 min. on foot - Takeshita Inari Shrine, a place pioneered by Takeshita Ronin
16-minute walk - Ogikubo Hachiman Shrine, where a sacred tree dedicated by Ota Doukan lives

Created by processing "Shin-Sen-To Nishiki-e: Ota Dokan Hatsute Utado-nishi Zu" (Tokyo Metropolitan Library)
Created by processing "Edo Kinko Doshirube, vol.26-24"(National Diet Library)

Click here to see the video with subtitles only.

My name is Mayu Noda.
I will introduce the charm of shrines around Tokyo, which I love.
Sometimes temples too.

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If you are interested in learning more about shrines and temples, please write to us with your questions. There are shrines everywhere in Japan. Akihabara in Tokyo is famous for its electric town, but there are shrines even in its back alleys.

I hope that when people from other countries visit Japan, they will feel the sanctity of shrines and clear their minds.

I am not an expert, but I would like to answer questions as I learn more myself. Once I have some of the questions finalized, I will put them on video. Please write to me.

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