Uncle Tom II movie. Socialism+Racism+wokeism = Communism in the USA

2 years ago


How Communists play every available card to control people. The Black American community has been exploited by communism and Leftist policies for years. The more the government gets involved the more damage it does. That's why so many useful idiots on college campuses and in newsrooms are needed to keep the brainwashing in place and Hide the Truth..... All while keeping people divided on every woke issue Democrats can manufacture. Kids are their biggest targets.

In 2022 Ken Matthews was ranked #70 of the 100 most important Talk Radio Show Hosts in America by the radio industry's TALKERS magazine. From 2017-2021 Matthews was a guest host for RUSH Limbaugh and had the honor of hosting the last show on Rush's EIB Network-including the final Open Line Friday. Now The Ken
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Ken was born in New Jersey but escaped to Florida in 1966. He graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in (don’t laugh) Political Science. He has lived or worked in a dozen states and currently lives with his family in Central Pennsylvania where he and his wife have a 97 year mortgage and a small garden.

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Remember Snopes is for dopes. Woke is a Joke. Ken Matthews is UN-syndicated, UN-vaccinated and UN-censored.

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